Brighton and Hove Albion Stats
Strengths & Weaknesses
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Strengths & Weaknesses | Value |
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Records Brighton and Hove Albion Season 2024/2025
Check out where Brighton and Hove Albion overperforms compared to other teams in Premier League
Metric | Rank | Value |
Succesful passes in % from own box | #3 EPL | 79.73 |
Succesful passes in % by clearance by foot | #6 EPL | 61.7 |
Fixtures & Predictions
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Team/League Comparisons
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Salary Brighton and Hove Albion
S24/25Weekly total payout | € 1.4 M |
Weekly average per player | € 43.5 K |
Yearly total payout | € 72.3 M |
Yearly average per player | € 2.3 M |
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