1.FC Heidenheim 1846 Stats

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Tim Kleindienst
Tim Kleindienst

Salary 1.FC Heidenheim 1846

Weekly total payout 206.0 K
Weekly average per player 8.3 K
Yearly total payout 10.7 M
Yearly average per player 430.0 K

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Check out 1.FC Heidenheim 1846’s most asked questions with detailed answers.

Who is the best player in 1.FC Heidenheim 1846 2023/2024?
Currently the best player at 1.FC Heidenheim 1846 is Tim Kleindienst. His performance index is 98.77, he scored 12 goals and provided 5 assists. With 45 shots on goal and a conversion rate of 11.21% he is at the moment 1 in the 1. Bundesliga.
Who is the best defender in 1.FC Heidenheim 1846 2023/2024?
Who is the best midfielder in 1.FC Heidenheim 1846 2023/2024?
Who is the best striker in 1.FC Heidenheim 1846 2023/2024?

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