Columbus CrewVs.Seattle Sounders FC Post Match Analysis
Columbus Crew vs. Seattle Sounders FC, 0:4
On 07.09.2024, at , Columbus Crew played 0:4 against Seattle Sounders FC.
Our post-match report provides a detailed statistical analysis, revealing the key numbers that impacted the outcome of the game.
Strengths & Weaknesses
Use our spider chart to determine the strength and weaknesses of Columbus Crew and Seattle Sounders FC. Use the filter option to differentiate between offensive and defensive strengths and weaknesses.
Player | Strengths & Weaknesses | Player |
Columbus Crew | Seattle Sounders FC | |
0 | | 0 |
0 | | 0 |
0 | | 0 |
xG Race Chart
Discover the xG Race Chart of Columbus Crew vs. all other Race Charts for the season 2024/2025. More details about matches can be accessed via results page
Check out the list of all goals from Columbus Crew with Date, Type of Goal and Expected Goal Value.
Match | Min | Scorer | xG |
COL vs. SEA | 69' | Rusnák | 0.23 |
COL vs. SEA | 66' | Rusnák | 0.07 |
COL vs. SEA | 59' | Morris | 0.56 |
Heat Map
Explore heat map of Columbus Crew to gain insights into his positioning on the pitch. Identify his primary areas of presence and uncover the specific regions he tends to cover during matches.
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